Not all men have the same penile size. Some are big; others have average while some have smaller penis. Although it has been said that the sexual performance matters more than sex, there are still a number of people who are not content with what they have. Sometimes, it is because of insecurity that they want a bigger penis. They feel ashamed if they see other’s manhood size is twice bigger than theirs; or they are afraid and scared getting naked with their partner and they have a smaller penis.
If you are one of them and want to know the secrets on how to make your dick bigger, there are various ways on how to do that without having to resort to surgery. In fact, surgery is not the best option on how to make your dick bigger because there are other non-invasive and natural methods on how to do that. This includes exercises, taking male enhancement pills, and even wearing a penis extender.
- The use of penis extenders: A penis extender is a device worn in the penile area and a good method on how to make your dick bigger. What it does is it applied tension to the penis wherein it stretches the shaft thus resulting to an increase in size. Since this is not an invasive thing to wear, it is proven safe and effective too. All they have to do is wear it for about 3 hours a day and then increase the number of hours from 3 to 8 hours a day. A lot of people question about the comfort it brings when worn. Most of the penis extenders especially the expensive ones, are comfortable. It can be worn with loosely fitted pants and is comfortable in any sitting position especially when at the office.
- Pills: There are male enhancement pills sold today and most of it has natural elements. Unlike Viagra which can result to various medical problems
- Exercise: There are penile exercises on how to make your dick bigger. This includes kegels exercise where they need to contract their puboccocygeus muscles for a few seconds and release it as if trying to hold their urine. Another exercise would be jelqing wherein the process is similar to milking the penis in order to direct and fill more blood in the Corpora Covernosa.
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